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As Facebook Shoots Themselves in the Foot, New Social Media Platform Pays You to Post

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Din categoria Facebook, social media, Uncategorized

The New Facebook Algorithm and Your Church

„Churches are picking up on a trend that is popular in the business world, offer free wifi and make sure you’re on Facebook.  According to a new study from LifeWay Research, 84 percent of churches have both.

Among those who use social media, 97 percent use it to inform people about coming events. The survey also found that 87 percent use it to interact with the congregation, while 86 percent use it to interact with outsiders. And 84 percent use social media to capture memories of church activities, while 68 percent use social media to help church members stay connected to each other.

The findings come on the heels of an announcement last week from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg that the social media site is once again changing its algorithm.  This change could make those church websites less visible.  Facebook recently starting showing users more posts from their friends and family in the News Feed, a move that means people will see fewer posts from publishers and brands….including churches…” Read the full article here>>

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Din categoria social media, Uncategorized