Arhive pe categorii: Doctrine False

Nelu Brie ~ EREZIA Cetatea sărbătorilor – particularitați si evaluare

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Nelu Brie: Stimati frati, stimate surori, in seara aceasta multumesc lui Dumnezeu ca suntem in Casa lui Dumnezeu. Vin in fata dvs. avand pe suflet o povara pe care as dori sa v-o impartasesc. Povara este reprezentata de cuvantul pe care urmeaza sa il auzim in aceasta seara. De regula, obisnuiesc sa ma pregatesc temeinic pentru mesajele pe care le sustin in fata dvs. De cand slujesc in aceasta biserica, nu stiu sa fii acordat vreodata mai mult timp pentru pregatirea unui mesaj ca pentru acesta care urmeaza sa vi-l impartasesc. Natura subiectului este de asa fel ca impune o atentie sporita. Despre ce vom vorbi. Vom avea in atentia noastra evaluarea unei invataturi despre care cei mai multi dintre dvs. ati auzit. O invatatura care circula printre oameni si care are nevoie de… in dreptul careia avem cu totii nevoie sa ne aplecam in mod serios si sa o evaluam…

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Din categoria Decadere spirituala, Doctrine False

False Converts and Fashionable Christians

„If you are walking in willful disobedience to God’s Word, if the consistent pattern of your life is the practice of sin and the deeds of the sinful nature that Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, and Ephesians 5:3-7, then you must question your salvation.

Any teaching that opens the door to false assurance and loose living is not from God.

A wave of watered-down and milquetoast „Churchianity” has flooded the church world. A non-confrontational gospel has failed miserably to deal with sin and repentance. We have forgotten that the central message of the gospel is that Jesus came to save us from our sins (Mt. 1:21), not in our sins. He didn’t just come to forgive us of our sins, but to free us from our sins…” More>>
Source : Charisma News

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Din categoria Decadere spirituala, Doctrine False

A Reverential Fear Of God by Zac Poonen

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Din categoria Doctrine Biblice, Doctrine False, Fear of God, Predici

SHOCKING DOCUMENTARY – False spirits invade the church

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Din categoria Doctrine False, Stare de pacat

Pastoral Idolatry: 10 Common Forms of False Righteousness in Ministry

„…If Calvin was right when he said that our hearts are idol factories, and he was, then pastors are no exception. Which insufficient form of righteousness are you guilty of seeking from ministry? Or – if you are like me – which one are you not guilty of seeking?”

1. Theology Righteousness…

2. Philosophy of Ministry Righteousness…

3. Big Church Righteousness…

4. Small Church Righteousness…

5. Contextualization Righteousness…

6. Gospel-Centered Righteousness…

7. Conference Righteousness…

8. Network Righteousness…

9. Education Righteousness…

10. Worship Style Righteousness…   Read the full article here>>

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Din categoria Decadere spirituala, Doctrine False, Leadership/Conducere, Pastoratie

John MacArthur Rebukes Joel Osteen

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Din categoria Decadere spirituala, Doctrine False

Benny Hinn confronts Joel Osteen and Oprah

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Din categoria Apologetica, Decadere spirituala, Doctrine False

Wretched: Joel Osteen waffles

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Din categoria Doctrine False