Cum sa lucrezi in echipa?

Cei mai multi dintre noi spunem ca ne place sa lucram in echipa si credem in succesul ei. Din pacate, si  de multe ori , lucrurile stau diferit. Vedem atatia lideri care nu isi impart responsabilitatile cu ceilalti din echipa. Ei sunt un fel de “monopol absolut”. Ar avea nevoie de cativa oameni in echipa , ca doar le este foarte greu sa le faca pe toate, dar va avea mare grija sa nu le delege autoritate. Ba mai rau, in anumite situatii mai grele , daca se poate , sa nu le ofere nici un suport. Sa ii lase sa se “prajeasca singuri” , ca sa vada ei ce inseamna “leadershipul”. Nu-i asa? Voi ce zice-ti?

Pana va ganditi voi, am gasit pe un mod practic de a modela , invata si practica lucrarea in echipa :

“Create shared positions.

  • Take a look at your ministry positions and decide which ones would work or benefit from being a shared position. A shared position is basically an opportunity for friends or spouses to serve together. They will divide the responsibilities among themselves based on their specific gifts and interests.
  • If you currently have a single volunteer in a position which could be opened up, go to that person directly and explain the strategy change. Make sure they know it is a ministry wide initiative and nothing personal. Then ask them to consider who could serve with them in that position. Make every effort to follow their suggestion, if possible.
  • If you are actively recruiting for these positions, change your strategy and ask people to volunteer as teams. This is a great way to encourage new people to serve because they will have someone they know working with them. It also makes them feel more at ease as they will have help, support, and someone to cover for them if something comes up.
  • Invite both volunteers in these roles to team meetings. Not only will you be able to communicate more efficiently, you now have input from more people who are in the trenches. Encourage them to troubleshoot together and bring ideas and solutions to your meetings.

Shared positions can help ease the burden of service on individual volunteers and actually keep them serving longer. It’s time to stop talking about ministry as a team-and start doing it!:


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